Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gall stones and fifth treatment.

I had made a heavy meal on Sunday and was definitely feeling the effects. I ate three Gaviscon in hopes that it would kill my heartburn. No matter how much I know something is going to give me heartburn it didn't seem to matter if I was craving it.. stupid hot link. Around 1:30 am I woke up with a horrible pain in my right side. I couldn't keep laying so I tried to go to the bathroom. It was an awful pain that wrapped itself around my right side and into my back. It felt like a sword was through me. I couldn't get comfortable in any position I was in. After about 15 minutes of supporting my weight on the bathroom counter I felt like I needed to wake up Ryan. I didn't know if maybe I needed to go to the ER or what. He woke up and started rubbing my back. He said it sounded like a gas bubble. Ok..well I'm not going to the ER for them to tell me I have gas. So I kept swaying and breathing and finally got into this fetal type position. The pain was tolerable enough to fall back asleep. I messaged my doctor about the pain attack the fallowing day. Of course I missed his call and tried calling him back and he never got that message.

I had experienced a dull pain in my right side the whole day and started looking into what it could be. Of course I called my mom and she immediately said it sounded like gall stones. Of course I started dr.googling everything and found out that pregnancy can make your gallbladder more reactive and that some people have to have it removed during their pregnancy. I wasn't for sure that it was even what I had but I definitely started worrying about having another surgery while I was pregnant. I finally got a hold of Dr. L and we talked a bit about what was going on. He said that my MRI did show that I had gallstones and that one was probably trying to pass. That night I managed to take my Gaviscon but I couldn't stomach the thought of taking my iron or prenatal. When I had acid reflux and took my iron it quickly dissolves it and makes a nasty taste in my mouth and throat. I woke up at 11:30 in pain. I immediately got into the child's pose and started rocking back and forth. I didn't want to wake up Ryan or the baby so I just suffered in silence.

The next morning I messaged Dr.L again. I told him about the second attack and how I didn't think it was gas pain. I looked up a diagram of the female organs and its was definitely in the liver or gallbladder area. He told me that the pre-chemo blood work will show my liver function. I went in for my blood work and the bile in my blood was normal but there were two liver enzymes that were very high. He called me again and explained that we might have to delay treatment again but he wanted me to come in so we could retest my blood and see if there was any improvement. I talked to friends and family and my step sister told me a little about her liver problems. She said that iron and vitamins can flare your liver and that I should probably lay off until I had my blood work. That night I didn't take any pills and I didn't have a pain attack.

So now it was Thursday.. treatment day.. This was going to be Ryan's first time coming with me to a treatment because usually they are scheduled for Wednesdays and he works. We still didn't know if I was going to get my treatment but it didn't matter. Off we went to Kaiser. We showed up thirty minutes early because Dr.L told me to get there early for another liver function test. Of course the computer system was down and the two receptionists had no idea what they were doing. The line started piling up and I suggested that we all just give her our medical cards and go have a seat. We went to sit in the reception area and she eventually came over with our papers and treatment bands. I gave my white copy to the volunteer at the oncology desk and she told me I wouldn't be brought back until 8:30.. Dang it. I explained to her that my doctor wanted me to come in early to run a test before my treatment. I didn't want my frustration to show because all the little volunteer ladies are nice, grandma-like ladies. She told me she would go talk with my nurse. Of course I was taken back immediately and I was happy to know that I had Sam as my nurse. She was the nurse that gave me my first treatment.

Sam inserted my IV into my port. I noticed Ryan looked away. I could imagine it being a little uncomfortable to watch. She flushed me and drew more blood for my liver function test. Another volunteer came around asking if I was interested in a warm blanket or some juice. I asked for some ice water. Ryan and I talked while we waited for my results. I kept looking at my phone because I always get notified through my email once I have new lab results. When I opened my results I was pleasantly surprised. The numbers went down a lot! Yes!

Another volunteer came and handed me a bag and said it was a gift. In the bag was a small crocheted lap blanket. It was made with multiple different yarns. There was no method to the colors or yarns used. You can tell the person just connected the next color when the other ran out. For some reason I really liked my new blanket though. It was like my garbage yarn blanket. I plan on bringing it to the rest of my treatments and its the perfect size for the girls to play on when they get older. Instead of it just being my treatment blanket I could see it being so much more. I could see my daughters playing tea on it or playing with their barbies on it. It was definitely a good gift.

My "garbage" blanket.

Sam came back over and said she was going to start prepping me for treatment. Ryan did really well but I could tell he was getting bored. The chairs they have for your guest are not exactly the most comfortable.. especially if you have to sit in it for 4 hours. We started trying to decide what we wanted for lunch and soon enough it was over. We waited around for about 15 minutes just to make sure I wouldn't have a reaction and we left. I was glad that Ryan didn't have to deal with seeing me react to treatment. I don't want ANYONE to have to see that but my mom has seen it twice and I feel like she can handle it. Ryan told me on the elevator ride down to our car that he didn't think he could handle seeing it. I personally think he could. He has had to witness a lot of scary things with me so far.

We got home and Olivia was napping. My Mom was in super mom clean mode.. which I always appreciate. Had our lunch and Dr.L called me. He said he really thought I passed a gall stone. He said especially with the spike in the enzymes and then it coming down so quickly. He also said that there wasn't a blockage because my bile levels were still in standard range. It was a relief but I still wonder if it will happen again in the future. He did say I had multiple stones. Just another surgery to look forward to. I hope to get through the rest of my pregnancy and treatments before having to get my gall bladder removed.  Sometimes its weird to think about the human body. I know the liver can heal itself over time but there are some organs that do not. I know that chemo can effect your heart and other organs and that is a bit scary. My family history for heart related problems is already a concern without throwing chemo into the mix. I just pray for the best and hope that this body can get me through many many decades of life.


  1. Stefanie! I never know what to say, but I wanted to let you know I read this blog and I am always thinking positive thoughts about you. Many hugs!


  2. It's interesting how these little gifts we get have such a profound meaning. A little old volunteer nurse gave me a small hand crocheted lap blanket when I was getting my bone marrow biopsy and port put in; it's one of my most prized possessions now. It is comforting to me to just look at.
